06 Feb 2023
No matter how much novelty your mobile app brings about in the market or how excellently you have marketed it, there comes a point when the number of incoming users levels off or may even decrease gradually. You need to come up with a strategy with which you can attract more users. This will, in turn, increase your business growth. The in-app referral programs are a very nice way of expanding your app’s outreach. An in-app referral program is designed in such a way that you persuade your current app users to refer your app in their circle. This makes more and more users interested in your mobile app.
Before and after implementing an in-app referral program you need to know a few things. Knowing all these things prior to the implementation of the in-app referral program will help you a lot in getting the maximum benefits out of your program. Therefore, in this guide, we have tried to summarize the 5 most important things that you need to know about implementing in-app referral programs for your mobile app.
You should ask yourself this question before investing in any marketing strategy for your mobile app. You need to make a very careful estimation of the resources that you will have to spend in this regard. Because, if the cost of mobile app marketing will surpass your total profits, then instead of benefitting you, your marketing campaign will bring about losses to your business.
This is where the in-app referral programs come into play. You do not have to spend anything as such for reaching out to new users. Instead, your current users will get you connected to the new ones. All you need to do is to implement a catchy in-app referral program for your mobile app. Resultantly, you will either be offering monetary benefits or some other incentives to your users. Now whatever benefits you will be offering them will entirely depend on the budget that you have allocated for your in-app referral program.
We have already stated above that you can offer financial rewards to your current users for referring your mobile app to others. Or you can even provide them with some other allurement. For example, if you have developed a mobile app for online tuition, then you might offer Rs. 500 to the current students for inviting more students to take your services. Additionally, you can even offer a reasonable discount to the newcomers. Alternatively, if you do not want to offer money to your users directly, then you can think of some other strategy to compel them for referring your app to more users. For example, you might offer them a free course on inviting 5 new students to your mobile app, etc. Thus, you can come up with the best incentives for compelling your users to participate in your in-app referral program.
Launching an in-app referral program for your mobile app at the right time is very important for its success. You should not include it at the very beginning of your mobile app launch. It is too early to do so. During the initial time of your app launch, your users will be new to your app. They would want to spend their time and effort on knowing more about your app. Also, deciding if they want to continue using it or not rather than referring your app to more users.
However, you need to constantly monitor your user analytics to know the time when your target users are fully comfortable with your mobile app. That is exactly the time when you should instantly launch the in-app referral program for your mobile app. In this way, you can attract more and more users to your mobile app at the right time.
Now that you have incorporated a well-crafted in-app referral program into your mobile app, the next thing you need to do is to ping your users about it. For that, you can make use of push notifications. This will tell the users about this program and the incentives that they will be getting in return. You can send one or two reminders to your users as well depending on the situation. Moreover, once your users have started taking part in your in-app referral program, you should also notify them periodically about the bonus that they get on referring your app to a new user. Apart from that, to take the success of your in-app referral program to the next level, you should actively promote it on all of your social media channels and make your online presence stronger.
Lastly, you should clearly know that for convincing your current users to participate in your in-app referral program, you must make their user experience seamless and convenient. For that, you need to ensure that your app is working correctly. All the errors are resolved as soon as they are encountered. Your app is updated on a regular basis. The more ease you provide to your users, the more interested they will be in investing their precious time in referring your mobile app to new users.
The in-app referral programs are indeed a great way of attracting more and more users to your mobile app. However, before and after the implementation of an in-app referral program for your mobile app, you need to take care of a few things. We have summarized them below:
These points will surely help you out in implementing a successful in-app referral program for your mobile app. Furthermore, if you need any assistance in mobile app development, then you can instantly reach out to Folium AI.
Schedule a free consultation with our specialists to clear things up.
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