12 Jan 2023
Security holds secondary importance in software development in general and mobile app development in particular. The developers fail to realize that the cost they are trying to save at the time of development can result in heavy losses down the line. To understand this, you can consider a data warehousing specialist. He is responsible for the storage and maintenance of your data. Ideally, he should also ensure the safety and security of your data.
However, considering it a secondary task, he shifts his focus entirely to the storage and maintenance of the data. Meanwhile, he totally neglects the security aspect. Moreover, he also performs this task on a very reasonable budget. Afterward, some hacker manages to break through your data storage resulting in the compromise of your crucial data. In this scenario, you need to spend a large amount on recovering that data as well as on securing your data warehouse. If your data warehousing specialist would have done that already during the development phase, you would have been saved from these consequences.
By now, you would have fully understood the importance of security for software and applications. We will share with you the 7 most useful tips using which you can develop highly secure mobile apps. So let’s begin.
Security testing should be given just as much importance as you give to any other type of quality assurance testing. It means that it should take place very frequently at every stage of your mobile app development lifecycle. This will ensure that your mobile app is free of all sorts of loopholes that can potentially be exploited by an intruder. Also, security testing can instantly fix any weak links found.
Penetration testing or pen testing can help you out a lot in this regard. It allows a developer from your team to pretend like a hacker. He will try to exploit your mobile app through different means. While doing this, if he successfully manages to gain access to your app, then it will mean that your mobile app lacks the required level of security. Consequently, you will have to pay more attention to its security. Moreover, this process should continue even after the deployment of your mobile app so that your app can stay aligned with the latest security trends in the market.
If you find all this too overwhelming, then you do not need to worry as we have got your back. You can simply take the QA Testing Services of Folium AI to stay ahead of all the people with malicious intent.
We all understand that after every few months if not days, the mobile operating systems get their updates. In this situation, your mobile app should also get relevant updates. It is recommended because it is quite possible that a software vulnerability that could not be exploited with a previous version of the OS might become a point of failure for your mobile app with a newer OS update. For example, if a data warehousing specialist has designed some security principles for your mobile app and he wants to stick to those principles throughout the lifespan of your app, then you should know that your app is prone to huge security threats. Therefore, you should not just sit back and relax after the deployment of your mobile app rather you should also focus on updating it frequently.
Mobile apps with proper authentication mechanisms in place are generally considered more secure. It is so because the users have got a proper channel for accessing your app. This will not only protect their private information but will also save your mobile app from Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. This will resultantly keep your mobile app up and running all the time hence ensuring 24/7 availability. Therefore, you should definitely consider building an authentication barrier for your mobile app. Especially if it has to deal with sensitive user data.
A “key” plays a very important role in encryption and decryption. However, for securing your mobile app, encryption itself is the key. Therefore, you must ensure that the communications taking place inside the vicinity of your mobile app as well as the information that is stored at your end is encrypted at any cost. In this way, even if an intruder manages to hack your mobile app, your precious data will still stay safe. The intruder will not be able to decrypt the data without getting hold of the secret key. This also equally applies to data warehousing i.e. a data warehousing specialist must ensure that the mobile app data stored in the warehouse is fully encrypted.
This is such an important concept of Information Security that nothing can overshadow its significance. It states that a user (be it an app user or a developer) should only be able to access those resources that are absolutely necessary. Beyond the allowable limits, access should be denied. In this way, no one will be able to mess up the security of your mobile app due to privilege escalation. Eventually, this will develop a more secure working environment. For example, only a data warehousing specialist should preferably be able to access the data residing in the warehouse. No other person should be able to do that.
The usage of mobile device management (MDM) software is on the rise these days. This becomes a necessity in the environments that allow the BYOD practice. Organizations that allow their employees to bring in and use their personal devices at the workplace should instantly deploy an MDM solution. All employees should register their devices with this software before using your mobile app to access corporate data. An MDM provides safer access to corporate data. It also ensures that no malicious devices are operating within the organizational network.
Spreading awareness and educating your employees on mobile app and device security holds a very high priority. In this regard, you can organize seminars and training sessions. They will enlighten them about the secure usage of mobile apps and devices. It includes securing your mobile apps and devices with strong passwords, not sharing your credentials with anyone else, keeping your device up to date, avoiding the download of any third-party apps (TPAs), etc. In a nutshell, the awareness of your employees is directly proportional to their security postures. Especially the ones that are related to mobile app and mobile device usage.
Mobile app security is indeed a very important aspect of your business growth. It affects your productivity positively or negatively depending upon how much time and other resources you have invested in it. Although, there are many different measures that you can take for securing your mobile app. However, you should not take the 7 tips that we have shared with you today for granted at any cost. Following these best practices will ensure that you end up developing a mobile app that is highly secure.
Schedule a free consultation with our specialists to clear things up.
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The goal is to deliver quality-focused software products to aspiring businesses.
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