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Infinity Careers

A career-matching tool that makes use of an AI bot to find a career path that aligns with your interests.

Tech Stack

  • Python
  • ReactJS
  • Airtable
  • Landbot
  • PostgreSQL
  • AWS


  • MVP
  • Project Management
  • UI/UX Design
  • Web Development

Our Role

  • Building a minimum viable product (MVP)
  • Supervising the whole project with the help of a dedicated project manager
  • Creating a compelling UI/UX design
  • Developing a fully functional web portal for the project

Project Key Features

  • Curriculum Filter
  • Wishlist- Save Curriculum and Courses
  • Synchronization with Career Finder Results
  • Avatar Integration


  • Career Finder, LMS


Infinity Careers is a comprehensive platform for catering to the diverse needs of job seekers and recruiters. We have made use of ReactJS to create a user-centric design that offers personalized user experiences based on individual profiles and preferences. It has an integrated real-time job matching feature developed in Node.js that enables instant notification and application for relevant job postings. We have leveraged Node’s ability for efficient data handling to manage the comprehensive profiles and portfolios of users. Our developers have also implemented interactive forms and webinars using ReactJS that promote community interaction and learning. Moreover, we have adopted a continuous integration and deployment strategy to ensure quick iterations and updates without downtime.


To build a platform to find the best professional careers according to an individual’s interests


– We developed a platform that can take a user’s interests into account and then suggest careers and courses from different LMS based on those interests.
– Moreover, we also offered a highly user-centric and simple design to facilitate the users in the best way possible.

The goal is to deliver quality-focused software products to aspiring businesses.
