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5 Tips and Best Practices for Creating Educational Apps

5 Tips and Best Practices for Creating Educational Apps

06 Feb 2023

Since the time mobile phones started taking over the technology world, mobile apps became all the more common among users. From having apps for ordering food online to using them for social networking. Most of the users use around 9 apps per day on average. With such an increased usage of mobile apps, educational institutes as well as educationists also shifted their focus to online learning. That was the time when educational apps appeared on the scene. These apps not only make it convenient for the learners to gain knowledge but also facilitate knowledge diversification. Today’s discussion will revolve around the 5 most useful tips and best practices for creating educational apps. 

Design Age-Centered Educational Apps

The process of learning starts right from the birth of a person and can last till his death. This is exactly why we cannot limit the usage of educational apps to a certain age. By this, we mean that educational apps can be used by people belonging to different age groups. However, their content should specifically align with the mindset of the target audience. For example, if an app is designed for children between the ages of 5 to 10, then they should focus more on the visual content than the textual one. The users of the specified age group can easily digest and understand the former content. 

Similarly, the design of an educational app should be in accordance with the particular age group for which it has been developed. Nevertheless, if you want to target multiple age groups with the same educational app, then you can consider taking the age of the user as input during the sign-up process and then use it to display the appropriate interface and features to that user depending on the age group to which he/ she belongs. 

Keep the Interface Minimalistic

No matter which age group you wish to target with your educational app, its interface should be very simple. It is done to ensure that the learning curve of your educational app is moderate. This is how you can ascertain that your users are actually getting benefitted from your educational app by learning different skills rather than getting stuck in the hassle of learning how to use your app.

Also, the design will vary according to the age group for which you are designing your educational app. For children, you will be using a more vibrant and attractive color scheme whereas, for adults, you will prefer to stay on the subtle side. Similarly, you should assign the development and design tasks to specific individuals who specialize in their respective domains. For example, you will have to hire a dedicated python developer for building the mathematical content of your app and a UI/ UX designer for designing the interface.

Include Video Content

Nowadays, people learn more quickly with videos rather than written content. That is why you should include a reasonable number of video lectures and tutorials in your educational app as well. This will not only make it easy for children to understand what you are trying to teach but the adults (especially the older ones) will also find it really convenient to use. This will greatly impact the overall usability of your educational app.

Focus on Fun-Filled Learning

Gamification is a great way to grasp users’ attention. That is why during the early stages of your educational app development, you should just sit back and think of all the creative and innovative ways through which you can make the overall learning experience all the more fun-filled. For example, you can hire a dedicated python developer for building the mathematical module of your app. You can ask him to incorporate counting games for children to learn counting in an enjoyable manner. In this way, your target users will be able to learn a lot more in a shorter span of time and their knowledge retention will also increase considerably. Apart from this, you can even consider including small quizzes within your app to help assess the learnability of your potential users. This will also increase their engagement with your educational app.

Take Help from Already Existing Education Apps

Finally, before starting to build your own educational app, you should first do a thorough analysis to find out all the existing apps in this domain. You can then give these apps a try to figure out their most prominent features. Also, how these apps have managed to attract a large number of people. By learning these tips from the already existing apps, you will be able to incorporate them into your app. You can even make the features better depending on your requirements. Obviously, you will have customized features for your educational app depending on your particular use case. However, you can definitely take the guiding light from all those educational apps that are already excelling in this domain.


Developing an educational app is not as simple as developing an ordinary app. You need to take care of a lot of different aspects. With them, you can ensure maximum user satisfaction and engagement. This guide will definitely pave the way for you to build the next big educational app. However, if you need any sort of assistance in this regard, then you can certainly contact Folium AI.

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