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Mobile Financial Services Pros and Cons

Mobile Financial Services Pros and Cons

06 Apr 2023

Mobile financial services have totally transformed the way people used to interact with financial services. They have brought about great revolutions in the financial sector. More and more people are using these services every day because they find these services extremely convenient. However, every new technological innovation comes with some advantages as well as disadvantages. Therefore, in this blog, we will be discussing the pros and cons of these services. 

Top 3 Pros of Mobile Financial Services

The top 3 benefits of using mobile financial services are as follows:

Remote Financial Services

The best thing about mobile-based financial services is that they can be availed remotely. No matter wherever you are residing in this world, you can still take advantage of these services. All you need to have is a relevant mobile app of the financial service that you want to avail. After that, you can easily avail these services for performing your financial transactions at any time. Most businesses these days are adopting financial means for all their transactions. If you also wish to have your own financial mobile app, then you can take the mobile app development services of Folium AI.

24/7 Availability

Physical financial institutions generally have a fixed operating time, for example, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. On the other hand, mobile financial services offer 24/7 availability. This gives the utmost flexibility and convenience to the customers since they are not time bound to perform their online transactions. They can perform a transaction early in the morning or even in the middle of the night. Although these services do get regular updates due to which they become unreachable for a certain period of time. However, even that update schedule is conveyed to the users before time to save them from any inconvenience.

Ease of Access

Financial mobile apps are generally very easy to use. Because of this, users find it really painless to access mobile financial services. Moreover, these applications offer so many diverse features that you can literally perform all your financial activities online. For example, you can check your bank balance, your transaction history, bank loans and related offers, etc. This makes the overall online transaction experience of users very seamless.

Top 3 Cons of Mobile Financial Services

The top 3 drawbacks of these services are as follows:

Heavy Reliance on Internet

Despite all the benefits of mobile financial services, there are certain downsides associated with them. To use these services, you must have a good Internet connection. If your Internet connection gets disrupted at any time, you will automatically be deprived of these services. Therefore, you need to ensure all the time that your have a very stable Internet connection for using these services.  

Transaction Costs

All mobile financial services have an associated transaction cost. Therefore, you need to know about these service charges beforehand. At times, you just have to make a very petty transaction. And the charges of that transaction might be unreasonably high. In these kinds of situations, it is not at all feasible to avail these services.  

Security Concerns

Although, mobile app developers try their level best to incorporate the best security practices. However, online transactions are still prone to certain security threats and attacks. Therefore, before utilizing these services, you have to carefully consider all the pros and cons. If you are completely confident about the level of security provided by your financial services provider, then you are free to avail these services. Otherwise, it will be a bit too risky for you to perform your online transactions.


In this blog, we have discussed the top 3 pros and cons of mobile financial services. These services are extremely beneficial if utilized properly. Also, for providing a better customer experience, you can add custom features to your financial services apps. If you need any assistance in this regard, then you can check out the custom software development services of Folium AI.

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