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Big Data Engineering- How to Excel in this Domain?

Big Data Engineering- How to Excel in this Domain?

14 Feb 2023

Big data engineering refers to all the activities associated with big data collection and analysis for gaining valuable insights. Big data is basically the production of large bulks of business data. This data can come from any source such as IoT devices, credit cards, social media apps, etc. A big data engineer is someone who is responsible for manipulating this data. Today, this field is growing very rapidly and even the future of this domain is very bright. Also, it offers amazing perks to the employees working in this domain. Therefore, if you want to master this field, then you have to take good care of a few things. We have crafted this guide for you to highlight everything that you need to do for mastering big data engineering.

Have a Relevant Educational Qualification in Big Data Engineering

First and foremost, you need to have a relevant educational background. The most preferred degrees for big data engineering are Computer Science, Business Data Analytics, Engineering, Statistics, etc. With these degrees at your disposal, you will be able to take your first step in this direction.

In-depth Knowledge of Different DBMSs

Since data is stored within databases, therefore, you need to have a very sound understanding of various DBMSs. You should know how to execute relevant queries for extracting useful data from any given DBMS. Afterward, you should also be able to gain the required insights from this data with the help of SQL and NoSQL queries.

Strong Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills

For surpassing your competitors in the domain of big data engineering, you should have very strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Apart from this, you should also be able to pay attention to every tiny detail. These skills will help you out a lot in understanding the data at hand and representing it in a useful manner. 

Have a Sound Knowledge of Big Data Engineering Tech Stack

You also need to have good experience working with the different tools of the big data tech stack. Having operational knowledge of different tools and technologies will diversify your skills and capabilities. Resultantly, you will be able to play around safely with big data no matter what tools and technologies you are required to work with.

Working Knowledge of Handling Structured and Unstructured Datasets

The problem with data in general and big data, in particular, is that it is not always structured. It means that at times, you might get a bombardment of data, and that too in an unstructured format. Therefore, you should know how to deal with both kinds of data. 

Exceptional Programming Skills Tailored for Big Data Engineering

Finally, your programming skills especially the ones pertaining to big data engineering should be up to the mark. In this way, you will never feel the need of contacting a programmer after encountering any issues with your big data. Rather you will be able to sort out all the issues on your own. Your qualifications and past experience in this domain will definitely help you in refining your programming skills. 


Because of the advancement in big data technologies, everyone these days wants to master this domain. In this blog, we have tried to cover all the prerequisites that you need to fulfill for excelling in this field. However, if you need any further assistance, you can always reach out to Folium AI.

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